Pensioner to face murder charge for allegedly beating wife to death

…for not cooking “proper” meals

A 40-year-old woman was beaten to death by her 62-year-old reputed husband at their Rosignol, West Bank Berbice (WBB) home after he accused her of not cooking proper meals for him. He is expected to be charged soon for the woman’s murder.
The dead woman was identified as Shabana Babita Ishack of Lot 69 Rosignol, WBB. Based on reports received, the couple was seen imbibing at their home on Tuesday evening in their yard.
At about 17:30h, the man reportedly started to assault the woman for several reasons, one being she is unable to prepare meals to his standard. The argument and beating continued into the wee hours of Wednesday.

The house in which Shabana Babita Ishack was murdered

After the fight ended and persons could not hear any arguments, neighbours walked over to the couple’s house with the intention of talking to them about their constant fights. Upon arrival at the home, the pensioner invited the neighbours into the house requesting that they check on the woman since he claimed she was not moving.
As the neighbour checked, it was discovered that the woman was dead and from all indication, it seemed as though her neck was broken. The Police were immediately contacted and upon arriving at the scene, the man confessed to beating the woman the previous evening.
He was arrested and is being interrogated at the Rosignol Police Station.
Police have since stated that the pensioner admitted to beating his dead reputed wife with pieces of wood and an iron bar because his meals were not properly cooked.
It was further related that the victim, who is a heavy consumer of alcohol, started a common-law relationship with the suspect about three months ago. Her body was taken to the Bailey’s Funeral Home where it awaits a post-mortem examination.
On June 21, 2018, 28-year-old Tovanie Simmons, of Second Street, Limlair Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) was stabbed to death by her ex-husband.
Reports are the alleged perpetrator committed suicide after the incident.
The suspect, Imran Lyte, 28, reportedly stabbed Simmons about 10 times before fleeing the scene but was later taken to the Port Mourant Hospital by relatives after he reportedly ingested a poisonous substance.
It was reported that the couple had separated and Simmons was staying at her mother’s residence when the suspected visited that home to discuss a misunderstanding between him and the woman’s brother.
However, a heated argument ensued between the mother of four and Lyte during which he whipped out a knife from his pants waist and stabbed Simmons several times.
The woman barely managed to escape from the house, by jumping from the veranda but the man ran after her and slit her throat. She reportedly sustained 12 stab wounds to her neck, left breast, back, left hip, left forearm, right chest and chin, collectively.

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