Pensioner killed by speeding car

Joyclyn Joseph, 72, of YY Bent Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown was killed on January 2 after she was struck down by a speeding car on Brickdam, Georgetown, while on her way to uplift her pension from the Bourda Post Office. Police investigations revealed that motorcar PLL 2838 driven by a 35-year-old labourer of ‘A’ Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was proceeding east along Brickdam Public Road, allegedly at a fast rate, in anticipation of passing the stop light at the intersection of Winter Place. The light was reportedly showing “green” with a few seconds remaining.
However, as the car sped across the intersection, it came into contact with the elderly woman, who was said to be crossing the road from south to north. As a result of the impact, she was reportedly dragged about 39 meters before the vehicle came to a halt some 158 meters from the point of impact, investigators recorded. Joseph’s left foot has been severed as a result of the accident. She was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel.

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