Penalties for sexual predators

Dear Editor,

I feel a satisfying sense of justice after hearing that a local judge sentenced a man to 20 years imprisonment after he was found guilty of carnal knowledge. At the said time of the act, the victim was only 13 years old.

The accused man is a father which makes the act that he committed even more despicable. When it comes to sexual molestation and rape, I am strongly of the opinion that individuals found guilty of such crimes should suffer severe consequences for their actions.

Rape is a criminal act like no other. It causes everlasting emotional trauma to a woman. Additionally, in some countries, women who have been raped are scorned and are often seen as unfit for marriage. They become outcasts in their society and struggle to survive.

Rape is more than an assault on the body. It is an assault on the soul and it is usually accompanied by fear and guilt.

Date rape is even more devastating because it comes from a person who has been trusted. Women who become victims of this brutal crime often require counselling. For many years, support groups have been used to render comfort and assistance to those who have suffered such an attack.

It allows individuals to know that they are not alone, while helping them to regain some form of control of their life.


Vishal Dhaniram

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