PEE NC want mash up de country again

Is a long time now de PEE NC been tryin to find a new name. Ever since dem been mashin up de country and get vote out dem tryin to get a makeover. But old people seh yuh can get the pig outta de mud but yuh can’t get de mud outta de pig.
Dem try wid PEE NC/R and dat ain’t wuk. Then dem try FLAPNU and dat still ain’t wuk. Dem join wid KFC and that mek tings worse, especially since King Liar Nagga Man jump ship.
A PPP member seh de Liar was soon to get shack out just before he jump. Now it look like de Liar gon get shack out again. A KFC eater seh dat is when de Liar gon start he own party – de PLL (People Lyin fuh a Livin). He gon definitely give de Mook and Baddam a run fun dem money where lyin fuh money concern.
Ah old man who wukkin near Con Gress Place seh de best name fuh de PEE NC is MUG – dem Mash Up Guvament when dem was in power, and now dem want to Mash Up Guyana even when dem in opposition.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! But every ting tun round now because Trot Man just mash up dem in Parliament! So look out fuh see who de PEE NC gon mash up now!

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