Payin people to protest

It got an old sayin that talk about some people who does play dead to see what kinda funeral dem gon get. In de real world, that is de same as tellin people yuh sick, and then waitin to see how many of yuh friends and family gon call yuh or come and see yuh.
De Kocheur News, Mook Lall and Baddamn just add a new dimension to that old sayin. Call a protest, see how many people gon show up, watch how many media houses gon cover de event, and check if dem gon carry any story. Well, dem get a rude awakenin.
The first sign that tings gon go wrong is when Baddamn didn’t show up. Baddamn seh de Mook payin he to write not to protest. Baddamn even seh that de Mook shoulda be paying he to tink fuh he, because de Mook cant tink fuh he self.
Wid time goin and no body turnin up to protest, de Mook start to panic, just like when it was he 50 (+ 10) birthday party and he start callin people. De Mook call Stabber News, Yas Sin, Bad Al, Rum Jhaat and Lie Man Nagga Man. But non ah dem show up.
It was then de Mook decide fuh bring all he staff fuh go pun de street wid he. A reporter fuh de Kocheur seh de Mook offer a bonus and threaten every body to fire dem if dem don’t join de protest. De reporter was goin to write a story bout that, but Baddamn stop he right in he tracks.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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