Pay hike for teachers should help

Dear Editor,

I am a parent who is interested in the welfare of my child, especially his education. Although a lot of advancement has been made in the education sector, I always believe that something more could be done to enhance the well-being of both teachers and students. Teaching is not the easiest of tasks, especially for those teachers who are committed to the profession and the children with whom they spend about six hours daily from Monday through Friday.

Teachers are very special people, especially to our children, with whom they interact most of the time; and enough is never too much for them. I am certain, now that the five per cent across-the-board increase has been announced along with other emoluments in a five-year package, that teachers would be much more satisfied and motivated to engage their noble profession with honour and distinction.

The entire Guyanese nation appreciates the spirit in which the agreement was signed between Education Minister Shaik Baksh and President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union Colin Bynoe, who both lauded the pact in which the teachers will benefit from a string of emoluments contained in the new agreement.

The new five-year package could be seen as a motivating factor and one that is well deserving of our country’s teachers. It will drive them closer to the undaunted task of preparing our nation’s children to face the challenges of a society that is being rocked by the influences of external factors. It is in these circumstances that the tools have been provided in the new agreement to educate our nation’s children free from fear or favour.

I believe it is a package that is all-inclusive, and one that would lead to excellent relations among the government, teachers and union. The package is a comprehensive one that includes housing, duty-free concessions, uniform allowance, etc. It could be only hoped that in the course of the next five years, which is effectively the life of the new pact, the sore matters of concern would be tackled in the best interest of all the parties concerned, especially the school children.

Yours cooperatively,

Sheik Mohamed Khan

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