Patta Sin in

Satiricus was girding up his loins for battle. And “battle” he knew it would be when he got to the Back Street Bar where he was headed. The Appellate Court’s decision to go along with Grain Ja’s Burnt Ham-like decision to appoint the GECOM chair would definitely be the topic de jour! And because his leaders Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat, were in the Government, he knew he was in for it.
“Budday!! Wha’ abee deh pan?” asked Bungi, the moment he espied Satiricus. “Wha’ ayu wan’ fuh do wid abee?”
“What are you talking about?” asked Satiricus in feigned ignorance, as he slowly took his seat.
“Na play schupid, Sato!” said Cappo firmly, as he handed Satiricus a beer. “Yuh blasted well know wha’ Bungi a talk about!”
“But just in case you were at Hubu Backdam for the last week,” interjected Hari, “he’s talking about the Court supporting Granger’s GECOM appointment.”
“Oh that?’ said Satiricus, innocently. “But Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat said they weren’t consulted on the decision!”
“Na gi’e me da!” said Bungi. “Na ayuh leada Trat Man bin wid Grain Ja w’en ‘e tell Jagdesh ‘e pick Patta Sin?”
“Na only da,” said Cappo. “Afta Granija pick Patta Sin, na Nagga Man seh how PPCEE a bring in “race”? But PPCEE neva’ talk ‘bout de man race!!”
“That’s why Jagdesh called Nagga Man “spineless, a jellyfish, a worm, a sycophant, a parasite, and a slime-bag” at his press conference right after!” grinned Hari.
“I don’t know all of that about my fearless leader, said Satiricus. “He was just giving his opinion.”
“Suh how come, afta’ he and Rum Jhaat lie dat dem na know, wan email show dat Rum Jhaat tell Grain Ja fuh pick who ‘e want!” pointed out Bungi.
“Me bin fu’get ‘bout da email!” said Cappo as he turned to Hari. “Wha’ Jagdesh bin call Nagga Man, again?”
“Spineless, a jellyfish, a worm, a sycophant, a parasite, and a slime-bag,” repeated Hari with glee.
“Rum Jhaat a da too!!” said Cappo, as Satiricus sipped his beer quietly.

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