Patriotism, unity and concern should take precedence above political agenda

Dear Editor,

Please permit me to comment on what is currently obtaining in Guyana in Region Nine. The situation is indeed quite heart-breaking, and only those who have had similar encounters can truly empathise with the victims.

At the physical level, it appears as though one can cope fairly well, and indeed many do. At the psychological level, it is even more challenging; and this is where a good, caring and clairvoyant government comes in.

The PPP/ C, just like it did in 2005 in the Great Flood (on the East Coast Demerara), is again ‘rising to the occasion.’ The Guyana government (via the various arms of the Agriculture and Human Services and Social Security ministries) has so far been in the forefront of alleviating the plight and discomfort of the affected people. Its timely interventions seem limitless and looks set to continue to be so until the situation is abated.

Even though to enumerate (actual aid given) would be too lengthy and needless, suffice it to know that contingency plans and operations are forthcoming – shelters, food, temporary relocations, improvisations, innovations and counselling – and are all being meted out to the victims. In others words, the victims are safe, both physically and medically – and they are not hungry.

However, there is a disgusting and inconsiderate ‘train of thought’ that is being peddled.

My question is: how inconsiderate can opposition forces be? Already, the PPP/ C is being blamed for the actual catastrophe. When this does not work, the attack goes in the area of how the relief is being handled. I would imagine that the first response would have been commiseration, benevolence and support.

However, political mileage is being sought.

I close with an actual list of what is currently happening in today’s world at this very moment.

• Floods leave 21 dead, 37 missing in South China

• Floods kill 10 as heavy rains pound Haiti: Official

• Floods kill 14 in drought stricken China

• China drought retreats after heavy rains

• Flood warning issued in western Colorado as Elk River spills its banks

• Flood warning issued for some Western Slope waterways

• Flood: England must make semi-final

• Rivers rising near flood stage around Colorado.

One can add to this what is happening in Brazil and Trinidad/Tobago and get a clearer picture of the Global crisis that is threatening human existence. The call, then, is that patriotism, unity and concern take precedence above political agenda.

All for your consideration,

Todd A Morgan

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