Partnerships for progress

Evidence abounds that Guyana is currently being transformedinto a modern nation with a people-centred approach tonational development. In the social sector, for example, therehas been an enormous amount of improvements in the areas ofeducation, healthcare delivery, and housing, among others.Further, there is relative peace and quietude in the country,which could be considered suitable for investment. A walk aroundthe commercial areas of the capital city, Georgetown, where hugebuildings are being erected and/or refurbished to accommodatenew and expanding businesses, shows evidence to support this.The country has re-established a market-led economy after yearsof decline under the previous administration; and the economy hasbeen restructured in such a way as to support increasing levels ofsocial sector and infrastructural investment alongside private sectordriveneconomic growth.For example, there has been significant growth in the area ofhousing, with the opening up of new housing schemes across thecountry. The public/private partnership between government andthe private sector has resulted in many families, including the poorand vulnerable, not only receiving their land titles, but also owningtheir own homes. The government’s programme for housingdevelopment and home ownership has catered for every Guyaneseacross all racial and political divides, and has been an importantachievement for the country to be proud of.Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Water signed a contractfor the construction of 98 core homes, which could be describedas starter homes for low income families, and could be improvedas affordability improves. It is hoped that the recipients would alsoreceive a plan for future expansion of these homes.It should be mentioned that our indigenous peoples have notbeen excluded from this development process. In this regard, theauthorities have recently announced the allocation of G$200Mtowards the development of 200 low-income homes in hinterlandcommunities, under the Second Low Income Settlement Programme,to benefit 12,000 hinterland residents. And, according to Housingand Water Minister Airfaan Ali, the development of the homes willbe undertaken for the first time in the hinterland region.It should be noted that the housing strategy that the governmenthas undertaken will not only fulfill a social need, but would also greatlyassist in the country’s economic development by creating thousandsof job opportunities in the construction, forestry, sawmilling, andother related sectors.In addition, in August this year, under the theme “BuildingBusinesses and Communities”, the Ministry of Housing and Waterlaunched its first-ever International Building Expo. This was anothermajor initiative as a result of partnership between government andthe private sector, and was aimed at responding to the housing andconstruction needs of Guyanese.Not long ago, the president pointed to the fact that, more andmore today, Guyanese can dream again and aspire to own thingswhich before seemed impossible.We are of the view that the Administration has, no doubt, playedits part by providing affordable land, and has put the necessaryinfrastructure in place, such as building roads and proper drainageetc. And it has been heartening to see the vigour with which theprivate sector has led the way in the housing boom. Similarly, thegovernment is also on the right track by creating the necessarymechanisms to encourage the private sector to partner in theprocess, by providing financial incentives for the local banks andprivate home developers, such as granting tax concessions, reducingtax rates on building materials, and giving incentives to bankinginstitutions etc.Finally, even though much is still to be achieved, Guyana hasdoubtlessly reached a new level of realizing its national developmentobjectives. We commend the government and the private sector forforming this important partnership, and in undertaking the manybold initiatives to provide affordable housing to every Guyanesefamily; and we urge all stakeholders, including Guyanese in thediaspora, to take full advantage of the new and exciting investmentopportunities that are available in the country.

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