Satiricus had a very rough week. A scandal a week from the Government benches he could handle, but a scandal a day? Jeez! Even though he was growing ticked off with his leaders Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat, the fellas were going to tear him to pieces at the Back Street Bar! He wasn’t disappointed.
“Hey, Sato!! How de Chatree doin’ today, bai?” said Bungi effusively as he spied Satiricus heading to the table.
“Ok…OK; could I have a beer first, at least?” replied Satiricus as he deftly slid into his seat and waved to the waitress.
“But tell me somet’ing, Sato,” began Cappo, “Like da lady guh skool Augus’ mont’ or wha’?”
“Cut Nick-Let some slack,” said Satiricus with a smile as he guzzled down his beer in one go. ”She was just trying to make a joke by throwing some talk at Aneel!”
“It really backfired!” laughed Hari. “It showed that the Education Minister is not an educated Minister!!”
“Yeah, man,” said Cappo with a smirk. “She na know ‘bout Phagwah and Diwali an’ now she na know wha’ a wan Chatree!”
“How she guh know ‘bout Chatree w’en she only a deal wid Rum Jhaat and Nagga Man!” laughed Bungi. “Dem fellas a real chamar!!”
“Now chaps, that’s not fair,” protested Satiricus, even as he tried to stifle a chuckle.
“Fair? Fair?” said Cappo indignantly. “Wha’ yuh call people who sellout dem own Mumma and Daadee?”
“Neemakaraam?” suggested Satiricus. His friends looked at him in surprise.
“Let’s drink to that!” laughed Hari. “But seriously, Sato, what’s going on with Nagga Man, Rum Jhaat and the KFC?”
“I really don’t know,” confessed Satiricus quietly. “It’s like aliens have taken over them!”
“Budday…when man done suck cane ‘e does dash peeling pan groun’,” said Cappo.”And de Pee an’See done suckout Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat lang now!”
“An dem guh get dash pan de groun’ soon!!” grinned Bungi!
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