Pandit Persaud was a dear friend of the Guyana and America Sevashram Sanghas

Dear Editor,
To members of the Persaud family, members of Dharmic Sabha and members of PPP: Jai Guru Om.
The swamis, bramacharis and devotees of the Guyana Sevashram Sangha and the America Sevashram Sangha extend our deepest condolences to you, on the passing of the president of Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud.
Pt Persaud was an outstanding West Indian and world Hindu leader and the Sevashram Sangha is aware of the vacuum that will be left through his passing.
He built his organisation from the ground and watched it blossom into a spiritual and educational beacon for Hindus. As an esteemed guru, Pandit Reepu influenced and inspired the lives of many and because of this special quality, it is difficult to replace someone as dedicated as him. He was a dear friend of the Guyana and America Sevashram Sanghas.
His many visits were a pleasant recollection of the views we share under the banner of Hinduism. Additionally, he was an agent of change and one who served in several of our country’s top political positions with esteem and excellence. We pray that his family, friends, and disciples take strength from his memories and continue to build on his dreams. It will be the only way to truly honour this Guyanese Hindu icon.
Please take solace in Chapter 2:23 of Bhagavad Gita:
nainam chindantÍ  śastrāni
nainam dahati pāvakah
na cainam kledayanty āpo
na śosayati maruta
“The soul or atma is immortal. Weapons cannot harm the soul, fire cannot burn the soul, water cannot wet and air cannot dry up the soul.”
Death does not bring an end to the activities of Panditji. Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud lives on.
Once again our humblest condolences on the passing of Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud.
Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj
Guyana Sevashram Sangha

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