I have found that Guyana is always one of the most fascinating countries to visit -favourable weather, stunningly beautiful and amiable people and much more. I was thrilled to be back home. I always feel welcome whenever I return after being months away from there. I had a good time seeing friends and family after a long time and would certainly come again soon. I should also mention that from the way things look much positive things are happening. This is certainly the way it should be.

I had a blast in Guyana. I was there for Jamzone Chutney nite and I enjoyed the vacation. I love my Guyanese people..they sure know how to party….GT All the way. I surely will return some day with some of my friends and explore more of that beautiful country. Kaieteur Falls which I have heard so much about is a must-see.
- Stephanie Persaud – Bronx, NY
My Guyana vacation lasted for about a week (Aug 15-22) it was lots of fun.
I enjoyed the food, the family visits, especially spending time with my cousin. We were there for a wedding which was amazing. Nothing like a Guyanese wedding house, we don’t have that kind of sport here in the US. I got the opportunity to go on some sightseeing – the seawalls in GT, 63 Beach and a few others. I also partied with some of my close friends and family at some of the most famous nightspots in GT.

On August 11 of this year, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit my homeland after 26 long years. The place is nothing like I remember. There are improvements and changes that left me absolutely speechless. These changes were clearly visible from the moment my feet touched the airport tarmac. These changes range from the spectacular homes I saw, to the amazing buildings that house the flourishing businesses in Georgetown, along with the improvements in the roadways. In essence, being a tourist, I wanted to visit all the hotspots in Georgetown, since that is where I lived as a child, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
During the course of my visit I went back to my old house, the schools I attended and passed by all the familiar sights that used to engage me as a child. Even though they may look different, the memories and feelings they brought back were as clear as day. I am disappointed that it took me this long to get back to my home, but I enjoyed the visit quite a lot. It brought to life the statement that “home is truly where the heart is” and no matter where I live, HOME will always be Guyana.

My recent trip to Guyana, in August, was wonderful as usual. It’s always great to catch up with old childhood friends and spend time with family. Also, since I originally grew up on the Essequibo Coast, it was very relaxing and tranquil to spend time in the countryside as I got the chance to unwind from a very busy schedule in NY.
I remember waking up and looking out the window and seeing the clear blue sky and a coconut tree just swaying with the breeze which gave me a peaceful feeling. I also had a wonderful opportunity to visit the Quarry in Bartica. During the “speedboad” ride the natural beauty of Guyana and glimpse into its rich resources were quite evident.
I also spent a few days in Georgetown, the capital city. Guyana is a beautiful place, but one negative comment I would make is that citizens need to be more responsible in the way they treat the environment. Not only are they damaging the environment because of their careless and irresponsible dumping of garbage, but they are creating a bad image of the country.

Summer in Guyana was great spending quality time with friends & family after three years. There is so much more to see, but time was limited. From what I saw there are many positive things happening in the country and Guyanese are living a better life. It’s a wonderful country blessed with many natural resources, but I guess it’s the people that have to work together to help to move it forward.

When I stepped off the plane at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport one word came to mind – culture. From the food to the music to the language, the country is richer in culture than I find in Canada. The Guyanese people in Georgetown have been nothing but accommodating and pleasant, making my stay in Georgetown and Guyana a memorable one.
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