Overcoming adversity

By Jainarine Deonauth

Adversity defines what we are really made of. It can make us better or bitter. T D Jakes says, “A setback is a setup for a comeback.” We can overcome adversity and allow it to make us stronger, wiser and more empowered. In other words, adversity helps build character, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance and self-discipline.
Last week Guyana Times carried a very uplifting and inspirational story in relation to a 17-year- old boy who managed to overcome serious adversities and made himself, his family, friends and his community very proud.
After his parents separated, Alex Vimal Kahdhai grew up for a short while in a single parent home. But not long after, his mother found it difficult to make ends meet and as a result took Alex and his siblings to the Prabhu Sharan Orphanage at Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara. In a quest to become an educated and respected member of society, Alex was subsequently enrolled at the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) School, at the Grade Eight level.
Alex, like many other children from broken and poverty-stricken homes, had very little in terms of the resources needed to become successful. Many children in his situation would have given up, or turned to drugs and alcohol or engage in a life of crime. But Alex believed in himself, and with hard work and perseverance, he secured 15 subjects, including 12 grade ones, at the recent Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, placing among the top students in Region Three. This is quite an accomplishment and those who have supported him and his peers such as the volunteers at the orphanage and his school teachers must be commended for this team effort.
Overwhelmed by his excellent results, Alex had some very positive words of encouragement for his peers, especially those in similar situations. He said, “Anything can be possible as long as you believe you can succeed and it really doesn’t matter where you come from and how hard your life is… you can be successful as long as you work hard, be focused and know your goals.”
An important lesson to be taken from Alex’s situation is that; it is important not to allow our past or current circumstances to dictate our future. Problems and circumstances are normal. Everybody has and will face adversity in life. But it is important that we hold on to our hopes, beliefs and values. We must always envision victory.
Alex’s success story should serve as a reminder that it is necessary that we instil in our children the need to stay focused on their purpose and vision and to never give up. This is what makes it possible to get through any adversity faced in life.
Also, the message that is worth emphasising is the need to be persistent no matter what the situation is. Typically, losers are those people who didn’t realise how close they were to triumph when they gave up. There is a story about a man who was stranded in a blizzard. He had walked for miles and gave up. They found him frozen to death 20 yards from shelter.
Further, Alex’s story gives us reason to appreciate how much we have, as one look around the world will show there are millions more who are worse off. It is therefore important that we fill our hearts with moments of thanks which would then leave little time to complain or play the victim.
There were other success stories at the said orphanage which are worth publicising. For example Priya Mahase, who attained eight subjects at CSEC is a trained medex; Rajendra Singh, who secured four subjects is now a customs clerk; and Sandra Bissoon, who obtained 13 subjects is now an employee at a prominent bank as a teller. Stories such as these, are worth repeating as they serve to inspire and motivate citizens all over the country that no matter what situation one is in, once one is hardworking, dedicated and believes in his/ her dreams, anything is possible.
It is hoped that orphanages such the one that rescued Alex and his siblings (Prabhu Sharan) would continue to get the support of the wider community in carrying out their work. Organisations such as this, are also serving a very important function in Guyana’s developmental efforts, and for this reason, both the government and the private sector must provide the necessary support in helping them make a difference in our country.

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