Our country could be the best if all citizens work together in harmony

Dear Editor,

It would be a useful exercise if all of us who are interested in harmony and progress in our country, as well as the well-being of our citizens, should undertake to consider what each of us in the various levels of our society should be doing to really achieve these seemingly illusive goals.

This would, first of all, call for introspection and self-examination of what we have been doing for and against the achievement of these.

Towards this end, I set forward some of the obligations that should be fulfilled by each of the members of our society, as well as those on both sides of this vast artificial divide that we have created in the political and societal structures, and ask that you measure your performance against these criteria, and adjust your actions likewise.

The Government of the day should accept that it is in some way answerable to every one of our citizens, and try to consider the needs and views of everyone in its policies and programmes. They should see the need to try to convince beforehand all concerned, not least the official Opposition, of the efficacy of each of the projects they intend to embark on.

They should appreciate that transparency and accountability in all their activities must be maintained, and create the structures to ensure this, as well as be willing to address promptly any concerns raised by any quarter.

They should make efforts to ensure that all citizens have the opportunity and means to raise these concerns at any time. They should particularly desist from giving the impression that they are above criticism and dialogue on any policy or project.

Those who consider themselves in the Opposition, whether in the official structure or in our various organisations and communities, should be positive in their actions, appreciating that they should be cooperative as well as critical in their approach to contributing to the development of our country.

They should respect the fact that in a democracy the wishes of the majority must be respected, and that they are obligated to cooperate with the Government of the day to further the welfare of the country as a whole. They must be prepared to confront as well as confer with the Government on all controversial matters, and develop a positive attitude towards resolution of issues.

The media should continuously realise that the vast powers they have at their disposal should be primarily utilised to provide a balanced perspective of all matters political and societal to all sections.

They should appreciate that they would performing the best function to maintain progress in our country by catering for all sections of the society in the opinions expressed, as well as serving as a uniting force between the various groups. They should be willing to be objective, impartial and impersonal in all their efforts to garner and disseminate the news.

The members of our society should strive to make their voices heard in a timely and effective manner on all the problems they face that can be solved by intervention by those in authority. They should be willing to approach respectfully and with factual evidence the relevant officials about any grievances, and try to resolve these peacefully and permanently.

I cannot help but envisage the immense progress that our country can achieve if we should forget our differences and pool all the energies and potential of all our various groups towards a cooperative drive towards this.

I pray that, with the help of the constructive traditions that have been handed down by our forefathers, as well as the tenets of the various religions that most of us still adhere to, that this can be fulfilled.


Roy Paul

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