Opposition settles on regional representatives

While the opposition parties are still to settle on who they want to be Speaker of the House, they have decided on their list of councillors for the regional democratic councils across Guyana.

Alliance For Change (AFC) executive member Khemraj Ramjattan said the party has submitted its candidates to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). However, the party will release the names of its councillors in a subsequent press statement, he told Guyana Times International.

Similarly, executive member of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Dr Rupert Roopnaraine stated that his party too has submitted its list of candidates to GECOM. GTI spoke with a few of the current regional chairmen, and while most of them are still awaiting word on their fate, this publication learnt that former member of parliament Parmanand Persaud is being tipped to be the regional chairman of Region Two now that Alli Baksh is minister within the Agriculture Ministry. Vice Chairman Vishnu Samaroo is currently acting as chairman.

There is also likely to be a change in the chairmanship of Region Three. Julius Faeber is the current regional chairman. And then there is the deciding vote that is needed by the AFC for that party to settle on a candidate for the regional chairmanship of Region Eight.

As for the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C), the party is still in the process of finalising its list of regional appointees.

The PPP/ C won 102 of the 205 seats available on the 10 regional democratic councils in Guyana. They are followed by APNU with 74 seats and the AFC with 27 seats. The United Force (TUF) has mustered two seats.

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