Opposition parties running out of ideas

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is amused by statements made by the political Opposition that it is considering moving a no-confidence motion in National Assembly against the ruling PPP/Civic Government headed by President Donald Ramotar.

It is clear that the Opposition parties are running out of any ideas of substance and have now taken recourse to ‘man bites dog’ type of politicking based on rabid sensationalism and hot air.

The PPP is convinced that the only reason for such an enhanced level of absurdity by the Opposition is to divert public attention from their anti-national positions taken on the Anti-Money Laundering and the Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill.

Both parties (AFC and APNU) have come in for blistering attacks from the Guyanese people, including many of their own supporters, for their refusal to support programmes and projects that would create jobs and enhance the quality of life of the Guyanese people.

The PNC, in particular, has been greatly embarrassed by the damning disclosures coming out of the Rodney Commission of Inquiry (CoI) and is now seeking to use the proposed no-confidence motion as a diversionary tactic. Extending the life of the CoI has become a nightmare for them.

Regarding the AFC and Mr Nagamootoo, it is a known fact that he has always been driven by political vanity and unbridled craving for political office which eventually led to his separation from the PPP after he realised that his political maneuverings had failed to impress and find favour with the PPP leadership.

Granger is also on shaky political ground following his weak leadership which has created a political schism in the party, with his confrontational approach to his Linden constituents and other radical extremist elements in the party.

It is clear that Granger is trying to salvage his sinking image by making outlandish statements which are far removed from reality on the ground insofar as his influence and popularity are concerned.

The fact is that both the AFC and the APNU are basking in the glory of their combined parliamentary one-seat majority which they fully well know would not continue in any future elections. The statements by the Opposition are, therefore, nothing but the work of a politically bankrupt Opposition intended to make up for their pathetic performance in and out of Parliament rather than out of any clear and well-thought-out position.

Statements by the AFC that it is receiving huge amounts of positive feedback from stakeholders lack credibility and are meant to deceive the public who are becoming increasingly tired of its deception and obstructionist behaviour. The PPP calls on the AFC to name the ‘stakeholders’ it claims to have consulted on the no-confidence proposal.

The PPP challenges the Opposition parties to demonstrate their testicular capacity by giving effect to their stated desire for a no-confidence motion in Parliament, failing which they should shut up and forever hold their peace.


Freedom House

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