Opposition need jail time not more time

De Bell Crier don seh a long time since de budget announce in Parliament that de KFC and FLAPNU ain’t got anything to bad talk. Since de Budget debate start, dem been strugglin big time to find anyting wrong wid de budget.
But de KFC and FLAPNU members determine not to give up and now dem asking fuh more time in Parliament after dem already had two weeks. But what dem really need is not time in Parliament but time in jail fuh all de Guyanese people time and money that dem been wastin fuh de last two weeks.
Rum Jhaat come wid a big scissors, which end up cuttin he own mouth. Kydney Allcock talk till he cock up de people in Rupununi. And Sus Penders seh de budget should be cut by 35 per cent, which is de same percentage at which he brains and other tings wukkin.
Now Val-eerie Low seh de budget ignore development in de hinterland, but a reporter in Parliament seh Low had look high when she seh that. De reporter seh he used to wuk with Mook Lall and that is just how de Mook does look when he high.
And finally Lie Man Nagga Man, break he silence and seh de KFC gon cut bad projects, waste and extravagance from de budget. Comin to tink of it, that is just why Nagga Man not in the PPP/C anymore. Even de PEE NC had reject he fuh de same reason, and imagine that is a party that does tek anybody.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! But is a lotta other waste get cut from de PPP/C. Just look at Rum Karran and see fuh yuhself.

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