Once yuh deh under yuh just can’t tek over

The word “under” is gettin to be a over used word nowadays. When tings not goin well, people does seh tings goin under. When people not feelin well, dem does seh dem under de weather. When people dead, dem does have to go under. Is only de rasta man dem overstand and don’t over use and abuse “under”.

A man end up in de hospital and he seh it was because de police went under he. A teenager get send away from under dem guards at de N-O-See. Then right away dem police had he under dem near to a market.

When people hear bout that dem thought it was by another market, because a lotta tings does go on and go under by that area. Dem market people seh a lotta people does go under in that area too. Dem seh is some big boys who does go under some other big boys, but all of dem does dress like boys to fool people that dem don’t go under.

Soloman look like he was tryin to send de whole of Linden under. Before that, a man in a Tundra was tryin to fly over de bridge when he coulda drive over, and he went under. Now a man in de Mazaruni de other day jump over a boat and he went under.

England been to play cricket Down Under and as soon as dem land, de Aussies had dem all de way under. De same England now want to join wid Down Under and India to keep de other cricket nations under.

Well, since de 1990s, de Waste Indies, of course, always deh way under. But, just like de headitor, de WI-See-Bee don’t mind tekkin lil money, drinkin lil soup and stayin under de big ones. Now Imrun and Camrun run under.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! De budget case done and de whole opposition gotta big hole under. De whole time, dem was tryin to send de guvament under. But de High Court show dem that once yuh deh under, yuh just can’t tek over!


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