Once upon a time…..

Once upon a time there was Brer Anansi. Brer Anansi live a long time ago and dead a long time ago. But old people seh that long ago people does dead and born back again a second time. Not the kinda born again whah dem preachers does talk bout. Dem does come back into a new life.

Well, Guyana got nuff old time people who look like dem dead and come back to life. Some a dem in Parliament. Some a dem in guvament. One a dem is a mayor-fuh-life. Just that fuh most a dem de new life ain’t no better than de old life. It woulda be better if dem never born again. Dem shoulda stay down under de earth.

De big problem is that nuff a dem lookin like dem still dead. Some a dem behavin like livin dead. And some a dem deh round de place like walkin dead all over. One a dem like de mayor-fuh-life got de whole place smellin like dead.

Guyana cricket gotta a Brer Anansi. People not sure if he is one a dem who dead and born back. But dem cricketers seh Brer Anansi got cricket dead. And it ain’t look like cricket gon born back any time soon once Brer Anansi deh bout.

De cricketers hopin that cricket gon born back, but not Brer Anansi. One cricketer seh Brer Anansi does seh one ting and Nancy Dru does seh de opposite. Brer Anansi can’t see whah Nancy Dru doin and Nancy Dru can’t see whah Brer Anansi doin either.

Both a dem sound like old time Brer Anansi story whah grandpa and grandma does tell grandpickney fuh mek dem sleep. Just that this Brer Anansi story in Guyana cricket got every body wide awake and givin dem sleepless nights instead.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And wid cricket dead, is only Brer Anansi and Nancy Dru sleepin. People not sure if to tell dem keep on dreamin or don’t wake up at all! But that is de only way cricket gon born back!

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