Ogle/Great Diamond road link draft for release

– road link will have four access points – MoPI

The draft designs, for the East Bank to East Coast road link network, will be acquired by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and released before the end of February. This is according to the Technical Services Manager within the ministry, Nigel Erskine.
According to DPI, Erskine explained what can be expected after the draft design of the project is presented.
“Coming out of the feasibility study, the consultant has proposed that the main alignment will be four lanes from Diamond to Ogle and we will have four connectors that would connect the East Bank Demerara road to the new alignment. So, we will have a connection at Great Diamond, we will have a connection at Mocha, at Eccles, Haags-Bosch and one at Aubrey Barker,” Erskine said.
He added that acquisition of the designs would accelerate the bidding process which will result in works commencing in the early part of the third quarter of 2019.
It was re-emphasised that the project was conceptualised to alleviate traffic congestion on the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara. Also, it will serve as an alternative bypass from Georgetown for persons traversing between these two areas. Essentially, this project will be realised before the end of 2019.
In 2016, the government signed off on an G$11Billion loan (US$50M) from the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of India for the construction of a 20km bypass road from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara to Great Diamond on the East Bank Demerara.

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