Officials blame Cameron’s foot dragging for her missing pageant

By Bhisham Mohamed

Officials of the Miss Guyana World Committee are questioning whether Miss Guyana World Arti Cameron was reluctant to represent Guyana at the Miss World Pageant which she missed owing to the lack of a British visa.

Miss Guyana World 2011 Arti Cameron

Listing a number of mishaps-some of which appeared to be Cameron’s own doing, the officials said if Cameron had been more diligent, her missing the pageant would have been avoided.

As the contestants are making their appearances in various events such as dinners, cocktail parties and more importantly competing in the preliminary competitions, Cameron was waiting to submit another visa application.

It would have taken another three weeks for the application to be processed and from all indications; the beauty queen is still reluctant to provide the embassy with the necessary information.


Officials said that in the initial stage, Cameron reportedly failed to submit her visa application form in a timely manner, referring to the pages of the application as an “avalanche of documentation”. When Cameron made contact with the representative of the UK Embassy, he reportedly informed her that the visa application was done under the wrong category, “Biometric Resident Permit”. She explained to the representative that at no time did she select that category during her application process. She further stated that on the application form she had to choose one of the following – “work”, “visit” or “other”-as the purpose of the trip, so she ticked off “other”. Cameron went on to say that the only time she saw the term “Biometric Resident Permit” was after she submitted the online information.

The official speaking under condition of anonymity said the beauty queen was advised to withdraw the present visa application and start all over again. The fees paid were even lower than the fee for a general visitor’s application.

Cameroon had reportedly requested that the Miss Guyana World Committee refund her application fees and send additional money so that the new application can be processed.

According to the official, the beauty queen had to send all the relevant documents to her lawyers to be scrutinised before sending them off to the embassy which by itself is a time-consuming process. She was reminded that documentation is important in any planning or preparation and should at all times be done in timely manner.

Additionally, Cameron was told that “unnecessary additional rush” was the description most fitting her preparation and it could have been avoided only if she had adhered to the rules of the Miss World Committee.

Lack of time

In a recent conversation with the franchise holder of the Miss Guyana World 2011, Cameron had reportedly said that she was faced with some challenges, including lack of time to get the visa, lack of timely funds and more importantly the lack of mutual trust and respect between the parties involved.

Officials added that on September 16 there was another issue with Cameron as she did not submit the information about herself to be posted on the Miss World Page, including her blood group and photos. She was again reminded about the importance of providing the information to the Miss World Committee. The Guyanese franchise holder was forced to apply for an extension which was granted, the official said.

Cameron also had an issue with her measurements and failed to submit same as well. She reportedly disclosed that she needs to get some measurements since she had lost some weight. In addition, she also had issues of finding the relevant size paper to print the visa application, since the ones she had could not work. This took her some time to acquire.

Additionally, a recognised fashion store in Guyana had donated a quantity of clothing to the worth of Gy$1 million to Cameron and only a few pieces were taken with her to New York while the others were left behind as they were not fitting for a “queen”. Her national costume was still in Guyana on Monday, October 24 and as well as other outfits for her to participate in social events.


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