OAS commends parties for signing election code

The Assistant Secretary General of the Organisation of American States (OAS) Ambassador Albert Ramdin, said the signing of a code of conduct by all political parties participating in Guyana’s presidential campaign is a sign of responsibility and commitment that must be commended.

OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin

The high-ranking OAS official, who travelled to Guyana to meet with all stakeholders ahead of the November 28th elections, said: “This is an important achievement. The leaders and candidates have recognised their duty to act responsibly during the political campaign. I also believe it is their responsibility to go further and call on their supporters as well, to participate in an orderly, respectful and peaceful manner.”

During his brief visit to Guyana, Ramdin met with three presidential candidates, officials of Guyana’s electoral commission, members of the diplomatic corps, local election observers, and President Bharat Jagdeo. He also met with Caricom Secretary General Irwin LaRocque and Sir Shridath Ramphal on other Caribbean issues and hemispheric developments. The OAS will deploy an Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) to Guyana for the November 28th poll.

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