A New York State legislator of Jamaican heritage has welcomed the implementation of a law, giving undocumented Caribbean and other immigrants the right to obtain driver’s licences, according to a CMC report.
“This year the legislature passed the Green Light Bill which grants undocumented immigrants the right to obtain driver’s licences, and this week that bill went into effect,” Senator Zellnor Y Myrie, whose grandmother hailed from Jamaica, told constituents in an e-mail message.
“This is a major victory for immigrant rights and will also improve street safety, lower insurance rates for drivers, and bring in as much as US$50 million in revenue to the state each year,” the representative for the 20th Senatorial District in Brooklyn, New York was quoted by CMC as saying.
“We encourage you to spread the word about the new law; and if you have any questions about it reach out to our office so we can help,” Myrie added.
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) noted on its website that the Driver’s Licence Access and Privacy Act, commonly called the “Green Light law”, was enacted on June 17 and took effect on Monday.
“It allows all New Yorkers age 16 and older to apply for a standard, not for federal purpose, non-commercial driver licence or learner permit regardless of their citizenship or lawful status in the United States,” it said.
Under the Driver’s Licence Access and Privacy Act, driver’s licence applicants who have never been issued a social security number are eligible to apply, CMC reported.