NY-based Sunita Travel Agency donates sports gear to Lima Sands Primary

After donating motorized scooters to two deserving Guyanese last year, Sunita Travel Agency, Inc., recently handed over an assorted sports kit to Lima Sands Primary School, five miles aback of the township of Anna Regina, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
“On behalf of the students, teachers and community we would like to thank Sunita Travel Agency of New York and Patrick Mahase family who made this very generous donation to our school. We would like you to know that this will go a long way towards our physical education program,” said Headmistress Joan Russell at the simple ceremony.
The school which evolved from a thatched structure in 1976 boasts an enrollment of over 100 with students from Redlock Village to as far as Mc Nabb. Patrick Mahase, a resident of the area, said that the donation will help the students to focus on positive in-and-outdoor activities. “They received table tennis (including tables) and volleyball supplies as well as cricket and football gear. I am acquainted with the students’ needs and it’s important that they develop their skills with supplies that are on par with others,” said Mahase.

The new L-shaped school which was handed over in 2007, with a growing enrollment has always performed creditably at the Children’s Mashramani Competition, Kiddies Cricket Competition and Inter-School Athletics Championship, said Headmistress Russell.

The travel and vacation specialists, Naresh and Deoranee Seegobin of Sunita Travel Agency, 129-02 Liberty Ave (side street), said that when they heard of the pristine agrarian community, and of the discipline and enthusiasm of the children, they were immediately motivated to contribute meaningfully to their development.
“I am glad that our agency can assist Lima Sands Primary School even so far away. Students with the humility and the will to learn where opportunities are limited should be assisted as much as possible. While we recognize our customers via raffle tickets and novelty items etc., it is supporting programmes as these which are really so fulfilling,” said Ms. Seegobin.
The popular travel agency of Richmond Hill, Queens and beyond, serving the community for more than ten years, also donated a bat to a member of the Guyana Under-19 team Joshua Jones. Jones a resident of the area expressed thanks to the agency and said this will definitely help him as he is interested in developing as a player with all-round potential.
Among those present and expressing appreciation to the donor team were several other teachers of the school including Judy Campbell, Sheneva Calvan-Peters, Farhanna Gafoor, Darshanie Bisnauth, Kerryann Rose, Natashia Verwayne, Tricia Karim and Frances Christianson

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