NY-based Guyanese rally against closing of Richmond Hill HS annex



Guyanese-American parents and students in the greater Richmond Hill community of Queens are opposing the New York City Department of Education (DoE) plan to close an annex for incoming freshmen (students) of the Richmond Hill High School.

The school is located at 114 Street and the annex is located several blocks away at 117 Street. The school is overcrowded, resulting in the DoE using the annex for the first year entering freshman class. However, the city is proposing to use the annex for a new high school and to house the freshman class in trailers at the 114 St location, beginning next September.

Angry parents and students, several Guyanese among them, showed up at a public hearing to voice their opposition to the plan. The students noted that the annex serves as a transitional location for freshmen to adjust from middle school to high school. It also increases morale and school spirit, they said. The students say the closure of the annex will hurt them and they feel they need the annex because it helps students develop.

Last year, the city attempted to close the school, along with another high school, John Adams in Richmond Hill because of poor grades and overcrowding and to re-open them under new names.

Restraining order

But the teachers union and parents went to court and got a restraining order allowing the school to remain open, but under a new administration headed by Guyanese-American principal Ganace. The previous principal, a Jamaican, who was appointed in 2012, was removed this past summer.

Parents complain about the frequent change in principals – three in two years. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) treasurer complained that something is always being taken from the students, making them feel like they are not worthy.

Guyanese parents say the plan makes no sense because it takes the annex from Richmond Hill High School and opens up another school that starts at Ninth Grade, which is the same thing as having the annex serving Richmond Hill High. It is replacing one Ninth Grade with another Ninth Grade. They feel the annex will be overpopulated like Richmond Hill and conditions may be worse.

PTA President Vishnu Mahadeo is an outspoken critic of the plan and is rallying with parents to protest against it.

Right focus

Mahadeo said the DoE should focus on making Richmond Hill High a better school rather than put more students in the school. He pointed out that the school is nearly twice its capacity and cannot take any more students.

Mahadeo said that the DoE has not listened to the school’s request. He, along with the school, plans on bringing the issue to the attention of the new mayor.

Another Guyanese, who is a representative of District 27 Community Education Council, Mike Duvale, also opposes the closure of the annex to Richmond Hill High. A decision on the plan is expected later this week.

Parents hope that the fight will end once Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, a staunch critic of Mayor Bloomberg’s education policies, takes office on January 1.


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