Nurses’ attitude at GPHC leaves much to be desired

Dear Editor,

I would like to expose the behaviour of some nurses at the Georgetown Public Hospital, and how some people, especially women, are being treated.

On Monday, August 31, I went to the hospital to see a patient who had just given birth. On my way to the maternity ward, I came across a woman who was experiencing labour pain and was looking for the labour ward. It seems as though she had come the wrong way and when she encountered a nurse who upon listening to the woman, asked her the following: Nurse: “How much children you have?”

Patient: “12”

Nurse: “Do you have any boys?”

Patient: “Yes”

Nurse: “Do you have any girls?”

Patient: “Yes”

Nurse: “Oh so now you come fuh mek the antiman”.

The woman who was a poor soul considering how she was dressed and her physical condition, was speechless.

The Minister of Health should look into this matter. If this is how patients in labour are treated, then the nurses have no place in that hospital. Too many women who give birth in that hospital are being treated like dogs even though nurses are there to provide care and not to judge or insult us.

These nurses seem only to be doing their jobs for money with little care for the humane requirements of their profession. Today, most of the care administered to patients is taken in charge by families and friends and not by the nurses, such as bathing and changing bed pans. This used to be the nurses’ responsibility.

The Health Minister needs to intervene, as we are all fed up of the attitude and quality of service provided by these nurses who are more of a health hazard than help to citizens.


Sandy Baldwin

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