Non sequitur

Satiricus was puzzled. He’d heard this No-Jel Huge was big time liar lawyer. He took big fees, that’s for sure. Like name, like fees: huge! But how the heck did he get his reputation if couldn’t even understand the subject of a debate? Satiricus had enjoyed the NCN debates on corruption. He was a bit disappointed that the PNCEE APANU had finked out: the KFC just didn’t have the firepower. So Satiricus had looked out for No- Jel to take on the government side on the Jagdeo pension issue. Only to be let down like a ton of bricks.
“Man, what kind of fool these people take me for?” Satiricus sounded furious. “For years KFC cussing down Jagdeo about his pension and now No-Gel, KFC Chairman, couldn’t even criticise a single thing about the pension?!”
“Me na get fuh watch de programme,” confessed Cappo, “a wha No-Gel talk den?”
“Every time the government people try to talk about de pension, No-Gel only cussing about Jagdeo “big” house.” Satiricus sounded quite disgusted.
“Like he didn’t understand the subject?” “I saw the show Sato,” said Hari, “he blasted well understand the subject. He just playing the fool.”
“Budday, de moment No-Gel talk about ‘big- house’, you shoulda know is jealous he jealous!” Cappo was emphatic.
“But No-Jel and he family got mansion at New Providence too,” pointed out Suresh. “You ever see the houses there?”
“Dat is de point,” said Cappo with some heat. “Da set a people na want other people get up. Dem want fuh play big shot all de time.” “Well, No-Jel said he paid Gy$ 5 million in taxes, on the show,” interjected Teacher Samad. “He’s still a big shot! That is 100 times my yearly salary!”
“Bai, you don’t know half the story,” advised Kuldeep. “Remember when Pressie said that he would never make No-Jel senior counsel because he was a drug lawyer?”
“You’re right!” Samad butted in. “Those guys make hundreds of millions. He shoulda been paying 10 times what he paid in taxes!” He was very bitter.
“Budday, Presie bin also seh dat every criminal dem ketch in Buxton, is No-Gel who defend dem!” Cappo had a good memory.
“Dem criminal bin thief millions and millions. Is dem lawyer who musse get all dat money!” “But you fellas not telling me why No-Jel was willing to make such an a.. of himself with his non-sequiturs,” complained Satiricus.
“Sato, me friend, bruk dat up fuh me,” asked Cappo with a chuckle. “It sound like a disease!”
“It’s when I talk about one thing and you reply about something completely different,” advised Satiricus, sheepishly. “Like when me and me wife talking!” Everybody cracked up. Sato’s wife never listened to him.
“Non Sequitur me a..!” snorted Cappo. “He na only jealous Pressie. He hate Pressie because Pressie na mek he senior counsel. He just want fuh embarrass Pressie.”
“But he only embarrass heself,” agreed Bungi who’s been listening quietly. “He think because Pressie gone now he gan play big and bad. Moon ah run till daylight ketch am.” The fellas clinked bottles to that.

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