Non-Pariel Greenhouse Club: Saving the environment one tyre at a time

Bottles being cut
Non-Pariel Greenhouse Club members cutting tyres

It was the seventh Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, who said, “From creating start-ups to igniting revolutions, young people have been toppling the old structures and processes that govern our world. Just imagine what solutions might be found if young people are given the space and encouragement to participate and lead.”
It is with this in mind that the youths of the small village of Non-Pariel on the East Coast of Demerara are making the change and starting the revolution. The Non-Pariel Greenhouse Club was formed over two years ago with the sole purpose of converting a plot of land into a space suitable youth engagement. The Club now has over 25 members with a 12 member executive.
The idea came to Romel Putulall one rainy day when he noted that the old “cow pasture” was filled to capacity with hundreds of plastic bottles floating around and clogging the drains among other things. He then though of how he could incorporate those bottles and make a difference and then the idea was birthed to use those bottles and tyres to construct a building as well as fence the plot of land so the youths of the community could be meaningfully engaged.
Putulall, who is the Project Coordinator, explained that the project will see them incorporating over a couple thousand of tyres in the construction of a fence and a building to house the youths for activities.

Trees to be planted

The Club was officially registered in September of 2017 after they would have secured a $4 million grant from the Ministry of Education under the Youth Innovation Project but the overall cost is in the vicinity of $9.5 million. At present, the Non-Pariel Greenhouse Club is constructing the fence using tyres they cut in half. Those tyres are then stuffed with non-decomposable items from the community and then it is plastered with concrete. The same model would be used in the construction of the building.
However, the work is being hampered due to the lack of support from the elders in the community since all the work is being done voluntarily.
“We have challenges of getting the adults to come out and help. They are thinking that it is a youth thing but everyone from the community would benefit from his but is the youths we have helping. We are transforming the old pasture into a training centre for youths and create an educational place for programmes,” Putulall noted.
“The idea is to transform what used to be a Cow Pasture into a Green Community Park…it will not be an empty Community Ground. We are going to plant trees around (Green Environment), tables and benches will be made around the trees. Also, we wish to create a space that will encourage youths,” he added.
At this time, the Club is appealing for donation and help to have the fence completed so they can approach the other phase of actually beginning work on the building.
Once completed, it is envisioned that the youths and future generation will have a safe green space to enjoy networking with each other. Additionally, they centre will serve as a learning ground for youths to take the initiative and execute such projects within their communities. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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