NoGel’s blow up

Satiricus was aghast. Dumb founded even. He’d read so much about NoGel Huge, the big time lawyer who thought he should be senior counsel. He never thought NoGel wanted that because he could charge more money. He thought NoGel thought he was a “big one”. He was certainly big in size! But here was No Gel losing his cool in front of some of the biggest names in Caribbean jurisprudence!!!  Had NoGel lost his mojo?
“MoJo? He blasted well lose he temper!” snorted Cappo. “He like fo give fyaah, but he cyaan tek fyaah!” Everyone around the table chuckled.
“He used to tangling up people and gettin’ them confused,” smiled Suresh. “He never expect de Short Man Police to block all his pace bowlin’!”
“NoGel forget that police do their own questioning of suspects,” pointed out Hari. “Short man set a trap for him.”
“Cow deh a pasture he nah remember dog and butcher deh till he see am,” noted Bungi sagely. “Short Man know dat thief man does talk out everything when he get vex!”
“But what I can’t believe is that NoGel would actually suggest that Short man want to shoot him,” said Teacher Samad, shaking his head.
“Budday! NoGel was talking what was on he own mind,” laughed Kuldeep. “He was so upset with Short Man he was the one who wanted to do the shooting!”
“Mout open an story jump out”? said Samad. “The psychologists call that ‘projection’. He was projecting his own thoughts.”
“Well, after all he big talk, he come back and seh he sorry,” pointed out Cappo. “Ah so lawyer does wuk?”
“When big tree fall down, goat does bite he leaf,” suggested his pal Bungi. “Dem lawyer gon bite out all he leaf now!”
“I hope he learns a lesson,” said Suresh soberely. “You just can’t accuse people like he did to Rodee. If yuh eye nah see, yuh mouth nah must talk.”
“NoGel is used to the court room,” suggested Kuldeep. “The rules are much stricter there. He’ didn’t believe Short Man would be allowed to answer him with so many “I can’t recall’!”
“Fish ah deh ah watah but nah ah dam tap,” chuckled Cappo. “A woulda like NoGel fuh question me ‘bout canecuttin’!”
“But I’m still sorry about NoGel,” said the usually sympathetic Satiricus. “He must be embarrassed: Shame face does feel like cent ice.”
“So you think this shame will affect his chances in the KFC?” asked Kuldeep.
“Yuh bet yuh las’ dollah!” interjected Cappo. “Ramjattan still want fuh be de big man.”
“But he gon tek he time,” continued Bungi. “When yuh buy ah dutty calico yuh gat fuh wear am till it tear.”
“Well, this calico tear so big, you can see right through NoGel,” guffawed Hari. “This is one smart fly who end up pan cow backside!”
“But this is a man who Kiss Soon said was the new Walter Rodney!” protested Satiricus.
“One eye man ah king ah blin’ man country,” concluded Cappo. “Yuh can tell a wha’ kind a country dem bais a live!”
Satiricus at last joined into the gaff: “Moon ah run till daylight ketch am! That’s the end of NoGel!”

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