No place for racism in our society

Dear Editor,

I read in your newspaper that the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) is in the process of investigating alleged racist comments made by Mr Tacuma Ogunseye of the African Cultural Development Association (ACDA), during a public meeting on the East Coast Demerara sometime last month.

Mr Ogunseye was quoted in sections of the media as making statements which, in my view, warrant condemnation by all stakeholders. I do not wish to repeat those statements, as it would not be wise to give further publicity to what was already widely covered in sections of the media.

However, I wish to draw your readers’ attention to the fact that here is a man who wants to be involved in running a country with a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious population making a case for the army to take action based on racial preferences. This is distinctly against the role of the army, as is provided for in the constitution of the country. The army’s role as I know it is to protect the sovereignty of Guyana against any foreign threats, and to assist in providing relief to citizens in cases of natural disasters or emergencies.

I am happy that a constitutional body such as the ERC is working diligently to carry out its investigations. This is the purpose of the ERC, and that body has an obligation to fulfill its constitutional mandate to the citizens of this country. I am sure that citizens are anxiously awaiting the findings of that investigation.

It is clear that people like Tacuma Ogunseye are taking advantage of the right to free speech, enjoyed by every Guyanese, even though he and others have always accused the authorities of stifling free speech. I share the view that Guyana is a very tolerant society; and while persons are allowed to openly give their views on political and other matters, those views must be expressed within the confines of the law and what is decent and acceptable in a modern society.

Whilst Mr Ogunseye is entitled to articulate the aspirations and hopes of Afro-Guyanese, it is not helpful to the society to make such reckless and irresponsible statements, as they are counterproductive to the efforts that have been (and are currently being) made at creating a stable political environment conducive to holding national elections.

If the ERC’s findings conclude that Mr Ogunseye is indeed guilty of promoting and inciting racism, it should be made clear that there is no place for racism in our country.

Yours truly,

James D Smith

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