No charges for Travis Chase over shooting incident

…instead DPP recommends alleged victim be charged

Travis Chase
Jimmy Ramgobin

Journalist Travis Chase has escaped the clutches of law enforcement following the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) opting against instituting charges relating to the shooting of a 28-year-old labourer two weeks ago.
The DPP rather advised that charges be laid against the labourer who was shot, Jimmy Ramgobin of Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown for the throwing of missiles in a public way “to the annoyance or danger of any person”.

This decision came one day after Ramgobin claimed that the Police were attempting to cover up the matter as he was being giving the royal round around since the shooting occurred.
Ramgobin spoke with this publication on Tuesday and recounted the ordeal, revealing that at no time did he attack Chase by pelting bottles.
According to the man, on the night in question, he went out with friends and became highly intoxicated.
On his way home, he claimed that due to his drunken state, he fell on the parapet and lost consciousness. He later learnt that he fell unconscious in front of Chase’s girlfriend’s property, located along De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown.
However, he was allegedly awakened by repeated kicks to his ribs and in a traumatized state, he got up and attempted to escape the beating.
“Between my sleep, I feel somebody kicking me in my ribs when I look up, I see a man with a gun in he hand, I look on the other side, I see a girl standing on the other side, so I get up and I decided to run,” Ramgobin related.
He further recounted that as he ran away, he heard several shots being fired from behind him and suddenly felt a burning sensation on his right foot.
“I heard about four to five shots behind me, I then stop on Garnett Street corner and realise that I got shot, when I look back, I didn’t see anybody,” the man revealed.
Ramgobin said with blood oozing from his leg, he made his way to the Police Station where he reported the matter.
He related that he was then taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) where he received treatment and was told by ranks that the matter would be investigated.
When questioned, Ramgobin held out that at no time did he attempt to attack Chase as was reported to the Plice.
“There is no way I can attack a person and get shoot behind my foot… there is no way I can attack him with a bottle and get shoot behind my foot, if I was attacking him, I was supposed to be shot in front so I did not shy him with no bottle,” Ramgobin is holding out.
According to the labourer, the bullet is currently lodged in his leg and could not be removed by doctors. This, he noted, is hindering him from performing his work. He posited that he will not drop the matter, as he again maintained his innocence.
“I can’t do no kind of heavy work right now and this time of the year, I does work hard for my money… this bullet has not been removed, it’s still in my foot, the doctor tell me that bullet can’t come out because it jamming the nerves and the tissue, until January, then they could see if they could operate to take it out”.
It was first reported that on December 2, 2018, Ramgobin allegedly fell asleep on the parapet in front of the reporter’s girlfriend’s home but was subsequently awakened by the journalist.
On the other hand, the reporter told Police that he was attacked by the man who began to hurl bottles at him and in retaliation; he whipped out his licenced firearm and discharged several rounds. One of the bullets, he told police, struck Ramgobin.
This publication was told that a .32 spend shell was recovered at the scene.
As the news broke of the shooting incident, the journalist held out that he was not involved in the shooting incident and that he had to reason to be in De Abreu Street, Kitty, at that time in the morning since he resides at Lot 1 Republic Drive, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara.
He also related that he was not the owner of a .32 weapon.

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