No arrest for sawmill supervisor’s murder

– teen girl in love triangle questioned

Up to late Wednesday afternoon, investigators were grilling the teenager suspected to be involved in the triangular love affair which led to the death of 22-year-old Thandu Singh on Tuesday at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara, while the main suspect remains at large.

Singh, who is also known as Khemraj Singh and “Tony”, was found on Tuesday afternoon with his throat slit and head bashed in his cottage behind a lumber yard. The man, formerly of Airy Hall, Essequibo Coast, worked as a supervisor/ caretaker for the lumber exporting company.

Murdered: Thandu Singh
Murdered: Thandu Singh

A close relative of the teen told this newspaper that she was brought from Airy Hall, upon the request of the police. She was questioned about the triangular love affair and confessed that she loved the deceased.

The relative explained that she returned for work on Wednesday last and did not see the girl, but upon enquiring from one of her daughters, she was told that she went to the Essequibo Coast. Later that evening, she reportedly received a phone call from the teen, telling her not to worry and that she was happy.

After  realising what was happening, the relative said she “gave up” her opposition to the match and accepted that if the teen loved “Tony” (now deceased) she had to respect that and support her. She added that too many persons have lost their lives after they did not get familial support in such situations and she did not want the same thing for her relative.

She admitted that she did not believe “Tony” was not the right person for the young woman, so relatives decided that the teen should marry the suspect, “Bangogee” whom she met about a year ago. The woman in the middle of the controversy had only known “Tony” for a few weeks.

The aggrieved relative disclosed that “Tony” was undisciplined and showed no respect to the family, but the couple were madly in love.

“He take she to Essequibo so that they could get marry on Monday, but I thought he stay up there with she… I nah know he come back to Land of Canaan,” the woman added.

She further stated that after being informed that the girl had gone to Essequibo, “Bangogee” turned up at her house, and told her “if the two ah dem like one another, they should get married”. “Tony”, she added, had given her a phone, but she destroyed it and he thought that it was the murder suspect who had done so. The last time she saw “Bangogee”, the relative claimed, was when he left for the interior to drop off a load of fuel, but she was later told that he was at a wedding in Leguan, Essequibo River. She said that she did not know that he had returned to the village until Singh’s body was discovered and he was listed as the prime suspect.

After the discovery, a blood stained hammer, suspected to be the murder weapon, was found in the house and was taken by the police as evidence.

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