Nigel Hughes medivaced to Trinidad

Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman Nigel Hughes was on Wednesday medivaced to Trinidad where he will undergo a heart bypass operation after being hospitalized at the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI) in Georgetown for three days.
Hughes has expressed gratitude to President Donald Ramotar and other government officials for their help, after he suffered a heart attack while on a party outreach in Marudi Mountain, Region Nine on Saturday.

Alliance For Change Chairman Nigel Hughes
Alliance For Change Chairman Nigel Hughes

Hughes also expressed his thanks to Guyana Defence Force, Army Chief-of-Staff Commodore Gary Best, Dr Carpen, Nurse Yolanda Renville, Dr Wilson and Captain Alvin Clarke, who flew into Aishalton in the late-night hours to ensure he received medical care.
Meanwhile, the AFC said it spoke with Hughes on Monday about 16:00h and he expressed sincere gratitude to the residents of Marudi and Aishalton, who came out in the middle of the night to ensure he got down from the Marudi Mountain to Aishalton, and to cameraman Gordon (Pressy) Armstrong for his encouragement and support.
This publication understands that Hughes is under round-the-clock care. His wife, Cathy, said he was responding satisfactorily to the excellent medical attention he was receiving and doctors are monitoring his progress.
“Nigel and I, and indeed our entire family, have been overwhelmed by the tremendous outpouring of kind concern, support, and caring from so many persons, from all walks of life and from all over the country. We deeply appreciate these sentiments and know that it will inspire Nigel to overcome this challenge successfully and continue his dream of helping to make a difference in the lives of the least of his countrymen, a vocation he considers his deep civic responsibility as a citizen,” she said in her statement.

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