New York groups condemn ‘attack’ on Hindus

Dear Editor,

The 100 Anniversary Foundation, New York and several other organisations in the greater N.Y. area join the Guyanese diaspora in condemning the Guyana government; and specifically the Ministry of Education, for facilitating visits to public schools by a self-described  American Christian Pastor to promote Christianity and denigrate Hindus and other religious faiths.

Among the signed organisations are: Holi Sammelan & Festival Committee, Arya Samaj USA, Maharishi Dayananda Gurukula , Shri Sundar Gopal Mandir, National Children Cultural Foundation, Shri Devi Mandir, New York Guyana Mission, USA-GHI Humanitarian Mission, United Muslim Youth Organisation, USA, Vigneshwar Mandir, Sai Ram Hanuman Shakti Mandir

In a release, the 100th Anniversary Foundation and above groups jointly note that they denounce the apparent crusade against Hindus in particular, and Indians in general, by the visiting American preacher.  The 100th Foundation release notes that the preacher’s sermons have been abusive to Hindu and Indian children demeaning their values and self-esteem.

The release adds: “This proselytizer and his cheerleaders are seeking to infiltrate Guyana’s public school system to corrupt young minds by preaching hateful values which must be rejected by everyone of conscience. Such conduct is illegal and inappropriate and must be rejected outright by every right thinking person and most importantly by state actors (Ministry of Education, in particular). This crusade by the preacher is in direct conflict with the constitutional principle of separation of state and church.

This preacher should have never been allowed into a public school or in any public owned (state) facility to conduct his proselytizing work.  And it is most disappointing that the state has been silent on the issue.

We remind the state that it must be neutral on religion and not favour any faith. In addition, the state must be a protector of all faiths and all people.

No one should be subjected to hate filled words in a public environment, and charges should be filed against those who violated the constitution on that matter. The preacher was imposing his diabolic values on students of all religious stripes. Worse, he was attacking people who don’t conform to his minority religious value. This is prohibited by the constitution.

The principal of Central High School where the preacher was reported to have uttered the hate speech said had she been approached, she would have provided equal access to other religious preachers as well. Equal access is not the issue. Religious proselytization does not belong in a secular environment like publicly (state) owned structures.

Educators must be sensitive as to who they allow in their schools and what is being said – hate speech and attack on people and on religions must never be permitted. Our group, comprising of several religious and non-religious organisations, condemned such aberrant behaviour and call upon the government to investigate the hate speech allegation with a view to prosecution. We reiterate that public schools and state owned facilities must remain neutral in matters of religion”.

Yours truly,

Vishnu Bisram


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