New publication on Guyana to be launched in Queens

By North American correspondent

A newly published book on Guyana by a Guyanese Canadian will be launched this Saturday, February 18, from 12pm to 4:30 pm at The Hall Of Lights, 117-06 Rockaway Blvd. in Richmond Hill, Queens.

Dr. Mohan Ragbeer

The book is titled “The Indelible Red Stain” and is presented in two volumes dealing with pre-Independence Guyana and the forces that hobbled the country after independence. It illustrates the growth of corporate greed in the post-WWII period and corporation control of powerful nations that today threatens to destroy our civilization.

The book gives details of the key role of the US-USSR Cold War globally and locally in ‘Guianese’ politics in the 1950s and 60s.

The writer, Dr. Mohan Ragbeer, an associate of Dr. Jagan, explores what went wrong that caused so many hundreds of thousands of Guyanese to flee and find peace and a decent living outside of what could have been a very happy and prosperous country.

Book 1 describes the country and its social and economic organisation and summarises its history prior to independence. It includes critiques of British imperialism and its culture of “divide and rule” and racial exploitation, the indenture system, colonial social structure, the origin and growth of political ideology and its ruinous effects on the Guianese population.

Book 2 details the events of 1961-64, the destabilisation of the society, its effects on ordinary citizens, the murders, the long and crippling strike of 1963, Duncan Sandys and Forbes Burnham. It contains new and hitherto unpublished material that shows how the Burnham dictatorship could have been avoided.

The Indelible Red Stain is well-researched and is based on intimate knowledge by the author of key personalities.

Dr Mohan Ragbeer is a former Dean of the Medical Faculty at the University of the West Indies and professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

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