New plans gon ensure medals in Brazil!

Now that de Olympics done, some star athletes from some countries getting multi- million dollar endorsements while others from other countries not even getting their winning sentiments endorsed! While some appearing pun cereal boxes and getting big starring roles in Hollywood, others just boxed into a corner and end up “holding wood!”
De focus now is pun doing even better in Rio come 2016. Everybody gon want a different showing there especially de Chinese who come second in de medal count behind de Americans. De Chinese sehin dem can’t compete with western athletes, with emphasis on de Americans, because, dem seh athletes from de west gat bigger chests and heads!
A Chinese paper from China actually seh so! Some who study aerodynamics seh bigger heads and chest would provide more resistance to de wind and water thereby slowing down de athletes. By implication, de Chinese sehin dem have small chest and heads which shoulda mek dem faster than de Americans and shoulda mek dem win de most medals!
That aside, de local organisation here meking sweeping changes fuh ensure medals in Rio. Teking from what a regional sport commentator seh, word is that de local committee planning fuh get some fishermen fuh enter de rowing competition and might ask de Archer home fuh tek care of de Archery competition. Dem also planning fuh ask de Opposition fuh be de hurdles in de hurdles as a national contribution. Other proposal include getting Carl and Hammie fuh enter de sailing competition given that skill dem gat in economics and City management respectively.
Dem gon ask David, Khemraj and Moses fuh be de team in floor gymnastics given dem skills in flip-flopping and cartwheeling, Robeson gon be ask fuh tek part in de hammer throwing event while de PSC gon be ask to be de discus team given dem desire fuh be in discussions. As another national contribution some seh that de same local committee planning fuh send Freddie, Mark, Aubrey, Solomon and Gerhard fuh be starters given dem success in “starting” things!
People sehin all de athletes must start doing head and chest exercise from now fuh reduce wind and water resistance so that dem would be “aerodynamically suited” fuh beat with de Chinese and might end up getting endorsements like Joel! Some sehin no need fuh all of that since it gat enough Chinese here fuh mek a team! Ting-a-ling-a- ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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