New passport fee: Overseas-based Guyanese to pay for speedy processing

Ov e r s e a s -b a s e d Guyanese will now be required to pay an additional fee for the expeditious pro-cessing of machine-read-able passports. There is currently a rush to pro-cess the new passports, since the traditional
green travel document is being phased out.Cabinet SecretaryDr Roger Luncheon dis-closed that the policy has been introduced because of frequent requests by overseas-based Guyanese for the speedy processing of the document. “We have received in numerable requests for (renewal of) passports lost or damaged, or those which require immedi-ate replacement. A fee schedule for the expe-ditious processing will be provided shortly,” Dr Luncheon disclosed. However, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee noted that such persons will still be re-quired to present them-selves to the Passport Office in Georgetown to ensure authenticity of identification. Many Guyanese liv-ing abroad have com-plained about the man-datory policy requiring them to return home just to renew or replace their passports.They believe that some system can be put in place whereby local missions can authenticate identities for per-sons requesting pass-ports from Guyana.

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