New paramountcy aspirants

Assembly power grab

After the Chinese Communist Party official Zhang Gaoli and his delegation visited the president, they paid a courtesy call on the National Assembly represented by Speaker Trotman and members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly (FRC). Little did the Chinese visitors realise they were firing up old embers of PNC party paramountcy lurking in the little dark hearts of the opposition’s  Little Caesars in the assembly.
We’ve already seen the overweening ambition in action as the opposition used their one-seat majority to railroad their agenda over the PPP executive government. The Speaker himself represents the paradigmatic instance of the opposition’s thirst for power. When the executive resorted to the judicial arm of the state to curb the opposition’s unconstitutional power grab, the Speaker – who is supposed to be neutral – cried that the government was creating a “constitutional crisis”. The opposition, who placed him in his chair, of course, have all been model democrats!
Anyhow back to the innocent visit of the Chinese delegation. WPA member Ronald Bulkan, now an APNU member on the FRC was beside himself. But mouth open and story jumped out as he revealed how he and his fellow wankers on the opposition benches view the ‘new dispensation’. Bulkan exulted: “What we have here is a high-ranking delegation from one of the most progressive societies of the world underscoring the supremacy and the paramouncty of this institution – the National Assembly.”
“Supremacy and paramountcy of this institution”! Imagine that coming from a man representing the party of Rodney, who died fighting paramountcy of all institutions. Bulkan could very well have been echoing Burnham’s warning, in this case to the PPP, of his “sharper steel” and that they should make their wills. O tempora! O mores! Has shame fled the breasts of these WPA miscreants? Or they never had any shame to begin with?
Well, now we know. The grabbing of the speaker’s chair and deputy; the control of all committees; the axing of the budget; the closing down of constitutional offices – these were all done because the opposition see themselves as “supreme and paramount”! OPPOSITION UBER ALLES!! And obviously we have only seen their opening gambit.
The PPP, talking about a “division of powers” and “checks and balance” obviously are on a totally different wavelength from the opposition. They’d better tune in fast!

AFC fascists
Lest you, dear readers, feel that only the WPA’s been bitten by the PNC’s “paramountcy” bug, Cathy Hughes had a few interesting revelations on the AFC’s position. Like her party leader – Trotman the Speaker – and her comrade Bulkan, Hughes waxed ecstatic about the “recognition” given by the Chinese to the “importance” of the opposition. Obviously, in their eyes, the 32 PPP members don’t count.
But like Bulkan, Hughes also revealed the hypocrisy of the opposition’s recent actions. In front of the Chinese, she did not raise a single word of the Chinese “corruption” they had been screaming about on the Skeldon modernisation and on the projected CJIA expansion. Rather, she gushed school-girlishly about Chinese “excellent and disciplined work ethics… something that we in Guyana want to start promoting.”
Does she and the wankers in her party talk to the sugar workers they are inciting about “Chinese work ethics” that she wants Guyana to adopt? (Well we know that Cathy Hughes would not be caught dead addressing cane cutters on their “order lines” at 5am… but you get the idea.) Do they mention the dedication and commitment of Chinese workers to their country’s development? You can bet your bottom dollar they don’t. All they want is a taste of power on the backs of cane cutters.

Fair weather friends
When the inimitable Philip Moore passed away, this newspaper volunteered to contribute to a Meditation Museum at Manchester. Where are all the organisations that were clamouring for the great to be honoured? Ah! How quickly they forget!

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