New movie on lives of sugar workers launched

The newest Mahadeo Shivraj production “Brown Sugar Too Bitter For Me” has been released to coincide with the upcoming 175th arrival of East Indians to Guyana and is dedicated to the five Enmore Martyrs.
The movie, which was officially launched at the National Cultural Centre (NCC) Saturday night by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, portrays the differences between the rich and poor and their economic circumstances. This movie brings to life the everyday issue of differences in economic levels in present day society that result in segregation between ‘society classes’ in the past and even today.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, his wife Yvonne Hinds and Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony among the audience at the official launch of the Guyanese movie “Brown Sugar Too Bitter For Me” at the National Cultural Centre (Carl Croker photos)
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, his wife Yvonne Hinds and Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony among the audience at the official launch of the Guyanese movie “Brown Sugar Too Bitter For Me” at the National Cultural Centre (Carl Croker photos)

This movie is the third released by Shivraj in collaboration with the Dramatic Arts Academy headed by Neaz Subhan.  Shivraj acknowledged that Guyana is yet to realise that cinema has come back to the country, “It would take some time for Guyanese to know,” he said at the launch.
Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony observed the movement towards the development and revival of the film industry and film making in Guyana. He expressed the hope that the recognition of the persistent value of Shivraj’s film productions would enable the garnering of finance to assist.
The culture minister also noted the symbolism of the launch during the approach of the 175th anniversary of Indian arrival in Guyana. He pointed to the development of the Indian culture which arrived simultaneously. Noting that this movement was captured in the movie “Brown Sugar Too Bitter For Me”, Minister Anthony pointed out that it will effectively archive a piece of Guyana’s history.
He paralleled the revitalisation of the film industry through Shivraj’s Productions with the dedication to the Enmore Martyrs which are both turning points in Guyana’s history.
Hinds stated that the movie is but another step towards the development of Guyana through the work of its people to ensure that life gets better. He observed that the revamp of the film industry is a chance to extend the opportunity for Guyanese to develop their innate talent. The prime minister also noted the initial push made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo to develop the industry through grants to the University of Guyana in this respect.

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