NEW GPC INC supports referees’ council with state-of-the-art cameras

NEW GPC Inc continued its support of the Guyana Football Referee Council (GFRC) on Friday, supplying the body with state-of-the-art digital camera monitoring devices at the company’s head office, East Bank Demerara. The digital cameras, which are expected to monitor the actions of referees during a game, will aid referees to improve and work to become better referees according to junior vice president of the GFRC Dion Inniss.

Trevor Basoo (third from right) hands over new camera equipment to Dion Inness in the presence of a few referees and general secretary of the referees' council Dwayne Lovell (extreme right)
Trevor Basoo (third from right) hands over new camera equipment to Dion Inness in the presence of a few referees and general secretary of the referees’ council Dwayne Lovell (extreme right)

Marketing Manager of NEW GPC INC Trevor Basoo indicated that the company is delighted to be a part of the progression of the council and by extension the game of football. “We are pleased to be associated with the council and in expressing our support of the council this is another one of our gestures to support the council in order to enhance the game of football,” Basoo stated at the handing over ceremony.
Meanwhile, Inniss expressed thanks on behalf of the GFRC, stating that the new equipment will go a far way in assisting the referees. “We want to express our heartfelt thanks to the New GPC, it is some of the best technical equipment and we think it will enhance our performance greatly over a short period of time.
“They (NEW GPC) have been good partners with us and they would always render assistance to us and I think it is a company that puts their money where their mouth is and this will go a far way in helping improve refereeing,” Inniss mentioned.

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