New GDF officers urged to uphold high standards

Commander-in-Chief, President David Granger; Chief-of-Staff Brigadier Mark Phillips and the 14 commissioned ranks along with other GDF officials
Commander-in-Chief, President David Granger; Chief-of-Staff Brigadier Mark Phillips and the 14 commissioned ranks along with other GDF officials

The Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) Officer Corps has been enhanced after 14 new ranks were commissioned on Tuesday.

The ranks were issued with their Instruments of Commission by Commander-in-Chief, President David Granger, at the Ministry of the Presidency. These ranks were part of the Standard Officers’ Course #48.

With their induction into the Officer Corps, these 14 Army ranks will now enjoy the legal authority and privileges to which they are entitled. Their induction was approved by the GDF and the Defence Board.

The newly commissioned ranks, two of whom are female, were urged to be just in the discharge of their responsibilities, to defend the interest of the State and to uphold the Constitution of Guyana.

Addressing the small gathering after handing out the credentials, President Granger told the ranks that receiving their credentials is not only an achievement but also gives them lawful authority to carry out duties as a member of the GDF.

“You’ve sworn an oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the State of Guyana, to support and defend the State against all enemies and that in so doing, you will function as an officer without fear or favour, affection or ill will – these are heavy words… and time will come when you will be tested,” he cautioned.

On this note, the Commander-in-Chief went on to charge the ranks to uphold the oath they undertook.

“You are expected to embody and uphold the high personal and professional standards of officers. Your conduct will always be subjected to scrutiny; I therefore command you to be exemplary leaders of the Defence Force. I encourage you to continue to study to be disciplined, to be dignified and to be loyal to our country,” the Head of State charged.

Meanwhile, delivering the vote of thanks at the end of the instrument ceremony, newly commissioned ranks, Second Lieutenant Cleveroy Patrick took up the words of the President, saying that the knowledge gained throughout the Standard Officer Course #48, has served to strengthen their commitment to serve Guyana and its people.

All 14 ranks were second Lieutenants. Apart from Second Lieutenant Patrick, the others are Jermaine Nedd, Mark Bagot, Jermis Batson, Corenna Van Lewis, Althea Rodney, Dwight Bonus, Daniel Phillips, Jeremy Basdeo, Quason McAndrew, Rawl Lord, Joel Amsterdam, Garvon Douglas and Stephion Gordon.

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