New EU ambassador to Guyana Robert Kopecky accredited

President Bharrat Jagdeo on Monday received letters of credence from Robert Kopecky, the new European resident ambassador to Guyana. Kopecky replaces Geert Heikens who recently ended his tour of duty in the country as the longest standing EU ambassador.

The new ambassador is also the head of delegation of the European Union to Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Dutch overseas territories.

In a brief interview after the accreditation ceremony, Kopecky said he intends to strengthen the bond between Guyana and the EU so that there can be cooperation on varying fronts, but stressed that the opportunity exists for great EU investment.

“There is a lot, given the potential, there is a lot of space to do things in the future, given green tourism, like eco tourism, preserving the forests, this initiative by Mr President – LCDS, and there is a bunch of EU companies keen on coming to Guyana and keen on doing business in a mutually respectful way, I think that this green, ecological project is giving your hydro energy potential, your solar potential, wind potential, there is a lot of space for deepened cooperation,” he stressed.

He said the EU is committed to development cooperation and feels that there is “nice space with the potential of this beautiful country to do an effective job in favour of both our entities.”

The new EU head noted that his discussions with President Jagdeo on Monday were focused on developmental issues, but they also spoke of the country’s political climate.

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