New doctors should boost health care in Berbice

Dear Editor,
Twelve new doctors have joined the ranks of the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA) and this alone says that progress calls for patience. These doctors are some of the fruits of a special and ingenious partnership between the governments of Guyana and Cuba. Since that time, hundreds of Guyanese have been sent to Cuba on a yearly basis.
They normally return home to complete their internship and then they start their actual practice.
I congratulate these returnees who are now ready, willing and qualified to serve in the medical sector. Guyana’s few mishaps medically can almost all go back to some kind of lapse. Human beings can get tired, feel lazy and suffer from a lack of inspiration and this is what these doctors must guard against. They must also feel privileged to serve.
All great leaders went beyond the normal call of duty. Doctors truly speaking cannot come up with excuses not to serve – they cannot argue for time out and so like regular people.
They have to be prepared for interruptions. So I too urge them to be very hard working and caring. After all, they are dealing with the sick.
Yours truly,
R Pertab

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