New Chinese company providing employment for hundreds of Guyanese

Bai Shan Lin International Chairman Chu Wenze said it is a must for the organisation to hire the 700 Guyanese it intends to employ for the execution of its projects in the country.
Speaking with Guyana Times International, he disclosed that since the advertisement for vacancies from last Monday morning to Monday afternoon, the company has registered about 300 employees.
He stated that some of the persons who were hired were already taken to visit their work location. He noted that the company through the development of its projects would like to create more job opportunities for the Guyanese people. “Actually the reason why we are holding this interview for these 700 Guyanese is to keep our commitment to the government of Guyana and the commitment to local Guyanese,” Wenze said.
He posited that it is his company’s responsibility to set a good example for those Chinese enterprises in Guyana to hire Guyanese.
The chairman added that the company thinks local products are at a high cost in Guyana, hence when its Trade Park at Providence, East Bank Demerara is completed it will supply a good price for products while it will also provide a convenient shopping location for Guyanese. The company is expecting to complete this project by the end of 2013.
Wenze said all the projects for Bai Shan Lin in Guyana will be launched soon. He said Bai Shan Lin will always follow Guyana’s laws especially with respect to customs, government and its Guyanese employees.
The park which will occupy five square kilometres and will be divided in three construction phases, will promote production of various kinds of wood products and brands that will boost the development of the local economy, and create employment opportunities, according to the company.
While wood processing will be the main feature, the park will also encompass industries for ship building, woodworking, machinery, processing and manufacturing, food and aquatic processing, mining, a school and a hospital.
Construction of an international mall and an exhibition centre to showcase finished products manufactured at the Bai Shan Lin plant in Linden and other entrepreneurship ventures are also in the cards.
This area has been flooded with investments so numerous that in the near future, will make it part of the urban network. The company has been operating in Guyana for the past eight years.

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