The New Building Society multi-million-dollar head office was Friday commissioned by Head of State Donald Ramotar at a lavish ceremony held at the North Road and Avenue of the Republic location.
In attendance at the commissioning ceremony were former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, Labour Minister and Immediate Past Chairman of NBS Dr Nanda Gopaul, and other top officials of the bank.
President Ramotar said the opening of state-of-the art financial institution signals a growing demand for its services. He posited that the Society’s outstanding achievement has allowed it to remain as the foremost loaning agency in the country, noting that its physical expansion would take the Society to higher heights.
The president noted that the great demands for loans from the Society are linked to government’s effective housing drive. Since 1992 to date, he said in excess of 70,000 house lots have been regularised and distributed to ensure that Guyanese dreams of owning their own homes are made a reality. Despite the struggles and the fights, President Ramotar noted that this vibrant housing drive will continue as he disclosed plans to establish a new housing scheme with more than 1000 house lots.
Jagdeo applauded the executive body and staff of the New Building Society on the acquisition of the building. He noted that the facility was made possible by visionary leadership which will lead to greater growth in NBS’s financial status.

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