Nation destroyers

Spurning peace


We return to the offer of the government for the tripartite talks with the president to resume. A few days ago, we railed against the opposition for not even having the courtesy to respond to the government’s invitation. But today we got a clue of what’s going on behind the scene – from the Muckraker-in-Chief who sits in the councils of both AFC and APNU.

Calling Gail Teixeira, who issued the invitation on behalf of the government, a “Stalinist”, Kissoon dubbed his opposition colleagues ‘stupid’ if they were to accept the invitation. So here we have it from the horse’s mouth: the opposition is badly divided on a simple matter as to whether they should even talk with the government!!

They are not only fiddling while Guyana smoulders, they are themselves incendiaries. The absolute refusal of the opposition to rise to the needs of our politico-socio reality is our single worst peril at this moment. It comes from the kind of warped thinking that shapes their decision-making and behaviour. Marx called it kleinburgerlich — ignorant, pettily self-seeking, parochial, inappropriate if not wholly irrelevant, of course, with no thought of Guyana.

It has been stressed that politics is the art of the possible, but we should know that leadership is the art of making things possible. And the leaders of the opposition and their acolytes are determined not just to have no progress come to Guyana, but to actually do all in their powers (read “control of Parliament”) to prevent such progress. Just look at what they did to such visionary plans such as the LCDS and OLPF in the budget.

We want to tell these wankers that Guyana can never achieve its potential unless they recognise that they have to jettison their narcissistic ways of functioning: making everything personal. This is not just about their egos. The modern state is an objective focus of loyalty, supposed to serve all national needs comprehensively and requiring the cooperation and obedience of all its citizens. When they meet the president, they will be meeting to develop all Guyana – not just to burnish their electoral chances.

Now we don’t believe that to analyse a problem is to solve it. So here’s our suggestion for the opposition – especially APNU. Forget about the AFC: they’re only interested in poaching your constituency. Sink your mostly indiscernible differences with the govt as you did in the first meetings – and leave the AFC to their cheap one-upmanship.


Oil confidence

As we mentioned above, some oppositions politicians and activists are prepared to actively sabotage our national development thrust. Remember the bunch of AFC camp followers who wrote to the government of Norway to say we weren’t actually doing anything new to conserve our forests – we always had a low rate of deforestation? They actually advised Norway not to pay us anything.

More than anyone else, they have caused the Norway funds to remain in limbo. These are the same nation-destroyers who chuckled and cackled when the last CGX well came up empty. Well, their sick pleasure was very short-lived. Pacific Rubiales Energy – with holdings in other oil properties in South America, and therefore knowledgeable about oil prospects – just plunked US$ 30 million into CGX. Take that, you wankers!

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