NASA worried that people in Guyana could reach Mars!

A few days back, Neil tek he final “walk” as he “bow” out from de world. Science buffs gon always remember he as de first man fuh set foot pun de moon and basically fuh opening up de “skies” fuh space exploration. Some believe that he mighta been “inspirational” to Michael J who create de “moonwalk” dance! Both men tek what dem did best to new heights and set new bars. Now, both is officially absent from de spotlight just like how de “Hands Up” party absenting from de spotlight of de debates pun national TV.
Everybody remember that it was de same “Hands Up” party that seh it wasn’t getting access to de TV. Now that de “frontier” is open up and dem could “set foot” inside by even “moon- walking”, dem not showing up. People sehin it is not a case where de “Hands Up” party members gat fuh “suit up” like how Neil did fuh deal with de lack of gravity pun de moon or how Michael use to “suit up” with plenty light so that everybody could see he. No, dem just gat fuh tun up and sit down and talk just like dem does be talking all over and meking accusations! When dem talk, dem and de “key” party asking fuh probe into everything. Dem want probe de TV station, what happen in de mining town, NOC, NICIL, and everything else.
Some seh at de rate dem want probe, soon dem gon want fuh do dem own Mars probe which de scientists in de U. S. now trying fuh do! That gat de NASA people worried because after dem see de satellite pictures of what happen down in de mining town, de scientists doing dem best fuh ensure that de two parties is nowhere close to Mars! Some sehin that de two parties might already mek dem mark pun de red planet since evidence show that nothing exist there! That could lead to another probe fuh find out how people from here reach space without de means! People seh dem wouldn’t be surprised if dem see “satellite” photos pun Facebook of Aubrey and Solomon “suit up” and “moon- walking” pun Mars. People seh that is how technology was open up, especially “photohopping!” Ting-a-ling- a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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