NACTA poll: Moonilal fit to fill Kamla’s shoes

Many T&T citizens are in support of Minister of Housing and the Environment, Dr Roodal Moonilal, as Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s successor. This is borne out in the findings of a NACTA opinion poll conducted by Vishnu Bisram last week.

The findings show that 51 per cent of the populace support Moonilal’s endorsement, while 31 per cent do not, and 18 per cent remain non-committal. 

Persad-Bissessar endorsed Moonilal as her successor last month, saying that if anything should happen to her, he should get the nod. 

Respondents felt that Moonilal is eminently qualified to serve as PM. However, some felt it was too early into the government’s term of office to think “successor.” They said the PM should not have overtly announced a preference for a successor, especially since it is a partnership government. 

PM, Warner support steady 

The poll’s findings also show the PM has held her support base among the rank and file. However, they were not pleased with the government’s handling of certain issues. Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner remains the most popular minister, despite ongoing issues with one of the boards of which he is line minister. 

The poll also found that voters disagreed with Manning on the claims regarding Persad-Bissessar’s home. 

Asked if they agreed with former Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s dollar valuation and description of Persad-Bissessar’s home, 23 per cent said yes, while 63 per cent said no, and 14 per cent remain uncertain. The PM’s response to Manning gained 61per cent of the vote. Voters also complained about delayed appointments to state boards, rising crime, inflation, the stagnant economy, and the handling of the CLICO imbroglio.

The findings were had from interviews with 402 respondents (45 per cent Indian, 37 per cent African, 17 per cent Mixed, and one per cent Other). There is a five per cent margin of error. (Trinidad Guardian).

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