N.Y. – based Guyanese elated with another PPP victory

Dear Editor:

N.Y. – based Guyanese were on the edge last week after their country voted in general elections on November 28. Most of them maintain very close ties to their former homeland and as such they were anxious to know the outcome.

Some are political aficionados having ties with one party or the other. Some were activists back home and in New York played prominent roles in the struggle for free and fair elections. Guyanese Americans have retained their passion for politics in their homeland. Even American born children of Guyanese have a passion for politics in their parents’ homeland.

It is estimated that some 500,000 Guyanese are living in the United States, and another 25,000 born are of Guyanese parentage. Almost three quarters of them are settled in the New York tri-state area.

Guyanese Americans do not want to suffer any setback from the progress the nation achieved after the restoration of democracy. They did not want to go back to the era of banned goods and dictatorship.

In Richmond Hill and other parts of Queens, Guyanese rooted for the PPP. In Brooklyn, they mostly rooted for APNU. The AFC got pockets of support in sections of Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens.

People waited anxiously watching NCN on the internet for the announcement of the election results from Gecom. When the announcement was put off initially they became agitated and disappointed with delays after delays. But the announcement of the outcome of the elections on Thursday afternoon brought much welcome relief.

There was calm when GECOM’s Chief Election Officer was about to announce the official results in his press conference to diplomats and reporters. People tuned in with muted anticipation hoping their party would win. They did not want to be disturbed. Loud cheers and feelings of ecstasy greeted Gocool Boodoo’s announcement followed by laughter, high fives among party supporters.

In Queens, although there was jubilation among PPP supporters that their party has won a fifth consecutive victory, they were disappointed that party support declined from last election and that the party failed to win a majority of seats in the parliament. People were also overjoyed in the Bronx and elsewhere on hearing the news.

APNU and AFC supporters were pleased that the PPP did not win the majority of seats in parliament and that the AFC will hold the balance of power in a king maker role.

In general, people said they are very happy that the PPP/C has been returned to office. They look forward for continued progress as happened over the last 19 years, 12 under President Bharrat Jagdeo. Guyanese in New York also look forward to welcoming President Donald Ramotar when he visits.

Yours truly,

V Bisram

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