Mystic Fury – collection to debut at Theatre Guild

Designer Nelsion Nurse

Nelsion Nurse, named “Most Promising Designer” for Guyana Fashion Weekend 2010, would be presenting his first major collection called “Mystic Fury” at the designers’ showcase “Reflections” on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at the Theatre Guild.
Supporting designers on the line-up are Designer Portfolio 2012 winners Andy Cummings, Shemeza Subrattie and Mwanza Glen. Other guest designers are Wynetta Jones and Natasha David, who presented memorable collections at Guyana Fashion Weekend 2010. Jones’ specialty of textile art on fabric, and David’s work with organic substances, will be on display.

About the designer
Nurse didn’t sit on his laurels since his debut winning collection “Patches” back in 2010 at Guyana Fashion Weekend 4. He has been consistently active, working in various facets of the creative industry since that hallmark introduction. He has been doing costume art for children and adult bands, set designs for public and private sector entities and has worked closely as the production assistant for Caribbean fashion guru and expert, Richard Young, for the Guyana Fashion Weekend and Guyana Model Search and Designers Portfolio.
The style icon has also won various “Best Gown” awards at pageants, including Miss Guyana Talented Teen and Miss Amerindian Heritage. He also works with different school groups to teach movement and craft.
The designer now feels very confident about presenting his first major collection, which he describes as a dialogue with his spirit, telling his own journey through fabric selection, style, and silhouette. He crafts designs that speak volumes about his own metamorphosis as a prolific designer.
He credits his mother, Joan Woolford, as being his greatest influence. She is his motivating factor in realising his goals.
“Also, this endeavour could not have been possible without the other designers and also the help of some special believers like fashion extraordinaire Sonia Noel, past Designer Portfolio winner John Quelch, Kofi Branch of Kobra Management Caribbean, Sade Richardson, Carles Griffith, Jermaine Broomes, Wayne Barrow, Sanjay Puran, Gillian James of Willows Bridal Boutique, and Lennox Cush of Star Party Rentals. Kudos to Dr Paloma Mohamed, the playhouse’s chairman, for her continuous support in all my endeavours,” the designer appreciatively acknowledged.
Nelsion has also inspired and paved the way for young creative energy, mentoring fashion and set designers, and always finding a way for them to exercise their passion.
Choosing November, Tourism Awareness Month, to debut his newest collection, is ideal as he has seen the potential of combining the fashion and tourism industries. This belief was also reinforced when he saw the great achievements through his participation in the Guyana Fashion Weekend 2010.
The fashion pro believes there is a close connection between the designing art and performing art; they co-exist to produce style, and that is why the Theatre Guild, where Nelsion is also a member, becomes paramount for facilitating his vision.
Joining the models on stage, will be Jackie Hanover, Y3K and Keon Heywood, along with dances choreographed by Allison Glasgow. Some of the more prominent models would be the present and past winners of the Guyana Model Search such as Carles Griffith, Natalya Thomas, Yohlanda Kerr, Latoya Whitehead, and Tyrone Hamid, topped off by Guyana’s leading models, Meleesa Payne and Royan Abrams.

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